Cube was designed for free spirits and explorers who go their own way and don't pay attention to what is currently mainstream. Stylish and independent at the same time, Cube embodies this feeling with its unique design and material.
Cube has first-class hob lighting. The powerful internal fan and the 4 long-life charcoal filter cassette guarantee long, maintenance-free operation and a top-class recirculating air filter function.
- Quiet and powerful
- Safe and easy to clean
- Fan with 650 m3/h
- Ceiling mounting with cable suspension
- Canopy for rope suspension
- Soffit Industrial Black with edge extraction
- Air outlet top
- Cable outlet right
- Metal grease filter - Dishwasher safe
- Recirculation with long-life carbon filter cassette, service life approx. 3 years
- Hob lighting with highly efficient power LEDs
High-quality design and individual advice
We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Together we will find a way to skilfully implement your wishes and ideas - for a result that is a visual highlight.