Plasma recirculation technology
The new plasma source PlasGlAiry® was developed over many years by the company Pro4 Plasma with the support of renowned institutes and universities as well as the Fraunhofer Application Centre for Plasma Technology in Göttingen.
The functional principle
The new innovative plasma source PlasGlAiry® is the first plasma source with volume plasma in the kitchen area. In contrast to other plasma sources with surface discharges, where the plasma is created on the surface and the air slides past it, the PlasGlAiry® creates a volume plasma through which the air flows. Significantly more air is ionised or plasma is generated. This increases the degree of cleaning considerably.
The ozone required for regeneration of the activated carbon is generated continuously within the system even with high grease loads and high air speeds. All units with a plasma source for odour elimination and regeneration of the activated carbon are designed in such a way that no ozone is emitted into the circulating air after the activated carbon. All necessary limit values are complied with during proper use.
Whether with or without plasma technology, the following must always be observed with table fan systems:
Since the extracted vapour is released back into the room in a cleaned state, it should be able to escape from the base area as unhindered as possible. Our finned base in the accessories range is designed for this purpose. The larger the area on the discharge side, the less disturbing draughts there are on the floor; the less pressure the fan has to build up on the discharge side, the more effectively it works on the intake side. Furthermore, moisture could form in the base area. It is therefore imperative to operate table fan systems with an overrun.
When using plasma technology, the question of electrical safety and the generation of ozone always arises. However, ozone generation with plasma is not an undesirable side effect, but an important part of the air purification process. It also prevents the formation of mould and thus the development of any unpleasant odours in the base area. This is an effect that pure activated carbon filters without plasma cannot achieve. It is true that the ozone level in the plinth under the kitchen furniture is significantly higher. This is explained by the very low air volume within this area. When air enters the kitchen through the plinth, the ozone is immediately diluted with the room air to such an extent that the ozone value suddenly falls far below the perception limit of 10 ppb (parts per billion = 0.01 ppm). A health hazard can therefore be absolutely ruled out. The same applies to the other plasma filters in wall, island and built-in bonnets. The limit values of 0.6 ppm set by the WHO in Geneva are clearly undercut.
With regard to electrical safety, the following can be noted: the plasma source and high-voltage transformer are located very far away from the intake opening, so that normally no water can enter the system. Our plasma source works with an operating voltage of 5.0 KV, but with a very low current and is protected against flashovers by a sensitive fine-wire fuse. However, as with all other electrical devices, correct installation by a trained specialist is a prerequisite for completely safe operation. Regular replacement of the activated carbon is also important for the effective functioning of the plasma filter. This should be replaced after approx. 5 - 7 years. However, the replacement intervals can vary greatly. They depend on the cooking habits and the correct operation with appropriate pre- and post-running of the fan. The ozone produced not only eliminates odours, but also promotes regeneration and thus the active carbon's mode of action. If you want a healthy room climate, energy efficiency and a great deal of design freedom when planning the kitchen, as well as appreciate long replacement intervals for the activated charcoal, you should opt for a recirculating air extractor with our plasma filter technology.
What is plasma?
Plasma in everyday life
The new innovative plasma source PlasGlAiry® is the first plasma source with volume plasma in the kitchen area. In contrast to other plasma sources with surface discharges, where the plasma is created on the surface and the air slides past it, the PlasGlAiry® creates a volume plasma through which the air flows. Significantly more air is ionised or plasma is generated. This increases the degree of cleaning considerably.
The ozone required for regeneration of the activated carbon is generated continuously within the system even with high grease loads and high air speeds. All units with a plasma source for odour elimination and regeneration of the activated carbon are designed in such a way that no ozone is emitted into the circulating air after the activated carbon. All necessary limit values are complied with during proper use.
Plate electrode
- Dielectric, usually organic with a metallic conductor on both sides
- Surface plasma, applied voltage depending on manufacturer between 2 x 1500V and 2 x 2500 V
- Frequency 100 Hz, not touch-proof, durability limited
- Highly susceptible to soiling such as dust and grease
- very difficult to clean
- > 90 % of air flows past the plasma only
- Testing of the electrodes with higher voltage not possible
Cable electrode
- Dielectric organic
- Electrical conductor from dielectric enclosed in surface plasma
- Applied voltage depending on manufacturer between 2 x 1500V and 7000V
- Frequency 100 Hz
- Touch-proof
- Durability limited
- Susceptible to soiling such as dust and grease
- difficult to clean
- > 90 % of air flows past the plasma only
- Can be tested with slightly increased voltage, max. 50% higher
- is now only used by one manufacturer for plasma modules
- Dielectric inorganic
- Electrical conductor enclosed by the dielectric
- Volume plasma
- Applied voltage household 2 x 2500V / industry 2 x 4000V
- Frequency 100 Hz
- Safe to touch
- Durability almost unlimited
- Hardly susceptible to soiling such as dust and grease
- Easy to clean
- 20-30% of air flows through the plasma
- Each individual electrode is tested with 28000V - corresponds to household 5.6 times higher / industry 3.5 times higher